What to Expect in Cabo

What is going on in Cabo while the racers cross the finish line?  On Tuesday afternoon, come by the Baja Cantina at the Marina. Not only is this the Race Headquarters where you can view finish times, photos and videos of finishers, and welcome new arrivals, but it is also the spot for the Tuesday Happy Hour Fiesta! Hosted happy hour food, beers and margaritas for all race competitors. No reservations needed (just wear your wrist band that you will receive upon arrival to cabo).

On Wednesday, the fun and celebration continues again at the Baja Cantina for our Happy Hours Fiesta #2 at 6pm.  Competitors will be treated to more happy hours food, beer and margaritas.

The Baja Cantina will be staffed around-the-clock by the Race Committee Hospitality team, ready to greet boats as they finish the race and arrive in the marina. Ready to celebrate with the entire crew!

And on Thursday, head over to the Baja Cantina Beach, for food, drink, music and awards ceremonies. If your a competitor, and have a wrist band, your welcome to join in all the activities.

See you in Cabo!