The Mighty Merloe finished the Newport to Cabo International Yacht Race at 17:29:08 local time, less then 2 hours after the first finisher. This gives them 2nd place in the ORCA Class behind Phaedo3. The entire NHYC Hospitality team, along with most of the Phaedo3 team and many other friends and family of other competitors that flew down to Cabo met them at the docks as they arrived.
Everyone enjoyed the hosted Happy Hour Fiesta at the Baja Cantina (Race Headquarters) .
The first ORR boat is expected to cross the finish line sometime early tomorrow morning, followed by the rest of the boats later in the day. There is still a close race in the ORR 2 Class between Grand Illusions and Holua as they are only 5 miles apart only 100 nm from the finish.
Here are the final results of the ORCA Class.