Friday 1300 Race Start for ORR Class D: at 1300hrs off the end of the Newport Beach Pier and in full view of the Blackies Aquatics Club, three sailboats crossed the line heading for Cabo San Lucas in 9 knots of breeze from the WSW in smooth seas. Ho’okolohe took an aggressive track off the start with Such Fast heading to the starboard side of the course while Favonious had their Code Zero up within minutes after the Start. At last sight, the boats were stretching out as they approached the horizon. Trackers at midnight indicated 8 to 9 knots of average hull speeds over the 11 hours they had been at sea. The ORR Class D is off to a great start clearing the border and being off Ensenada already.
At Dawn Race Day 2 for ORR D: Daylight brought some real revelations that these boats are flying! Averaging well over 11 knots, Class D is seeing some fast progress. Favonious has the inside port lane while Ho’okolohe is on starboard gybe streaking away from the lurking mass of Cedros Island ahead and taking a more offshore, but longer route to the finish. We will be receiving the OOR Class D position reports by 0900 hours and will report back.
ORR Class D 0800 Position Reports on March 20: The boats have all reported in. Highlights follow:
Ho’okolohe 0800pdt Position: 30 50N, 117 01W, Conditions: TWD 320@20knts, Sea 4-6 ft, 80% cloud cover, 1023 MB. Comments: Very foggy last night. Still quite cool but great sailing.
Such Fast 31 0800 Pos is 06.072N 117 16.3433W. Wind 324 @ 16kts, sea 2-5 ft, 50% clouds, bar rising 1020. Comments: Our delightful Such Fast is Such Fun! We were pleased with our start and are tracking well against our strategy. Overnight sailing was overcast with peaks at the starts. This morning the clouds are receding, and we are looking forward to a sporty day with favorable conditions for us in Fleet D. Thank you Jess for your last-minute help with the tracker! SHBK
Favonious 0800 PDT Position, Favonius sail#38125, 3/20/21. Pos: 31.01.28 x 116.33.57. Wind 20kts @309m 6ft seas clear skies. Fun first night but haven’t slept much yet!
1300 3/20; ORR Class A, B and C Start. An eventful start in 6 knots of wind with Artemis taking the Pin end and many racers trying to gain advantage at the Signal Boat end. A protest has been lodged by Zero Gravity against Sapphire Knight, the details of which will get sorted out in Cabo San Lucas in a few days time. The boats have advanced south fairly rapidly in a swiftly building sea breeze veering to the NW after sundown. The first few hours saw boat speeds above 8 knots and after sundown have increased substantially. The lead boats at sundown were abeam of Ensenada and the rest were already past the Coronado Islands in NW winds averaging high teens.
2100 3/ 20 Report directly to the RC from RIO 100; RIO 100 has reported a rudder linkage issue and are attempting to fix it. They are abeam of Ensenada and in no immediate danger. Also, an EPIRB was lost overboard around the same time as the linkage issue arose and the US Coast Guard has been informed.
At 2145 3/20, RIO 100 has reported they are 4 hours motoring time from Mission Bay, SD; RIO 100’s Tracker reports their position 57NM South on a bearing to MB of approx. 15 degrees NNE. Lat Lon YB position is 31° 50.40 N, 117° 31.73 W. RIO 100 reports visual contact with the racing fleet to weather.
0730 3/21, At daybreak there was carnage last night in the 3-4 meter sea state and 20kts plus winds. RIO 100 retired at 2145 on the 20th due to Rudder Linkage failure and the whole crew are safe in San Diego Harbor. Peligroso retired at 0130 on 3/21 and are inbound to Ensenada. All crew are safe and in good spirits. Report to follow.
All boats have working YB Tracks. Pyewacket is about to run past the ORR Class D Fleet offshore of Turtle Bay. The race is only 18 hours old! Grand Illusion and Bretwalda3 are leading their classes but it is rough going with high winds, gear breakage on several boats with one reported wine bottle broken at dinner last night. The French crew from 4 years ago would not have let their Bordeaux go to waste like that!